Tuesday 29 December 2015

Count down....

Count down..

I knew what it meant to fail,to succeed and then fail again...

I had health challenges I never thought I would  have,because although, I felt young on the inside, my body told me otherwise.

I learnt what it meant to love and be loved, what it meant to spend and spend till you were afraid you will spend the rest of your life paying back debts accrued.

I also learnt what it meant to be patient, to wait, to pray within and to live life a moment at a time.

2015 for me wasn't all bad, as I also began to think outside the box a bit more, challenging some ideologies I had held  since child hood, believing that truly you become what or who you believe you are, eventually.

I hate clichés, I do not do new year resolutions, I just do me and improve on me, every opportunity I get every second, every minute and every day of every week of the month within the year...life is dynamic I believe.

For 2016 therefore, I hope to grow more spiritually, love stronger and live larger, while curtailing my spending habits to ensure I do not live the rest of my life paying debts accrued. This is not a new year resolution and I am not under pressure to see that it happens, but then again a little discipline each day with tiny steps will help achieve these goals. With these in mind, I await 2016 and  all that it holds for me!

What about you??

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